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Guest Registration?

We really are glad you’re here! Whether you’re joining us in person on a Sunday morning or just checking things out online, we’re here to help. If you have questions let us know. In the meantime, we’d love to know more about you if you don’t mind sharing a little about yourself. And don’t worry, everything you share is kept securely and will not be disclosed to anyone outside of our church staff. Thanks for taking a moment to fill out the form below.

Please complete the form below


join the team

At GBC, church isn’t something we come to, it’s who we are. As the church, we bring people face-to-face with Jesus. When that happens lives are changed and new life begins. That’s the fight we’ve been called to and that’s the fight we’re passionate about! Our belief is that as people choose to serve, the impact of that service will change lives—for those serving, for the people they serve, and even for those who see them giving their time to help someone else.

Sign up now and join one of our ministry / serve teams. Serve in GBC KIDZ, be a part of our Guest Services, join the production and worship team, or serve in other areas of ministry. As long as you’re serving, you’re in the fight!

It takes about 40 people to do what we do each Sunday. That’s about 160 people over Sundays each month! As we grow, it will take more. Get in the fight today and become part of a ministry team that is bringing people face-to-face with Jesus!

Serving doesn’t stop with what happens on campus either. As a church, we want to be known for our generosity towards those in our local community and across the globe. We have groups that serve in our community on a regular basis and participate in national and global mission efforts. We’re dedicated to being the hands and feet of Jesus and we invite you to be a part.


Room In The Inn servants needed

Room in the Inn begins November 21st. Our church hosts every other Thursday to offer a warm, safe space in the winter months, and it’s time to line up volunteers as the temperatures cool. If you would be willing to serve as a cook, host, driver, or with setup/clean up, please fill out the form below.


give. serve. grow. connect.


give together

Some churches would motivate you by telling you, “If you give a dollar, God will give you ten.” He already has. We could tell you that if you give, you will have treasure in heaven. If Jesus knew what he was talking about, you will. We could tell you the Bible teaches tithing (giving 10% of your income) and you ought to give out of obedience, and you should. We could tell you that if you invest in God’s kingdom, he will take care of yours. Jesus affirmed that in Matthew 6. We could tell you the church desperately needs your money and that if you don’t give, we will have to shut down. That would be a lie. Instead: The church is the hope of the world because Jesus is the hope of the world, and the church is the hands and feet and voice of Jesus in our world. So, we give together. We give of our time, our talents, our resources, and our money. Your financial gift enables us to create environments both locally and globally to support the ministry of Greenwood Baptist Church. 


Connect is how we invite you to join the church. Connect is provided as an opportunity for you to find out who we are and why we do what we do here at Greenwood. You’ll hear about ways you can get connected to the life of the church, have an opportunity to meet with our lead pastor and connect with staff and other ministry leaders. You’ll be welcomed to ask any questions you may have concerning Greenwood. If you’ve been thinking about becoming a member of Greenwood, take the next step by clicking the rtegister button below. We can’t wait to CONNECT with you. Register now for our next class on September 24th!


The GBC Weekly is a weekly update from Pastor Shane. Please fill out the form below to receive the GBC Weekly.


If you have had an abortion and would like support in processing any grief it may have caused, Loretta and MaryBeth invite you to participate in a 9-week course, Surrendering the Secret, intended to walk you through steps towards healing. Fill out the form below and either Loretta or MaryBeth will reach out to you to answer any questions and provide you with more information.

*This is a confidential group. Any information you provide will not be shared for any reason.